Bibliometrics measurements in nutrition informatics
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Department of Nutritional Sciences and Dietetics, School of Health Sciences, International Hellenic University, Thessaloniki, Greece
Publication date: 2022-05-27
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Vasileios K. Stefanidis   

Department of Nutritional Sciences and Dietetics, School of Health Sciences, International Hellenic University, GR-57400, Sindos, Thessaloniki, Greece
Public Health Toxicol 2022;2(Supplement Supplement 1):A113
Introduction and objectives:
We use bibliometric methods in order to investigate the growing association and interconnection of Informatics and Nutrition.

Bibliometry is a specific field of statistics that analyzes and studies scientific activity by using bibliometric indicators. These indicators used to evaluate the research performance of individual researchers and scientists include production and impact measures. Bibliometry, also, can help young scientists to identify areas where there is a lot of activity and therefore a lot of literature, as well as areas where the literature is limited so there is room for further investigation.

Nutrition and Informatics:
Nowadays, several informatics applications are used successfully in the field of Nutrition and Dietetics. The most important of these includes terms such as nutrition, software, informatics, applications, food, databases, system management, composition databases, surveillance systems, nutrition ontologies etc. that serve the science of Nutrition and Dietetics.

By using an intelligent calculate mechanism based on Python, we measure the productivity, on a weekly basis, of scientific articles, concerning combinations of the above terms related of Nutrition and Informatics. Our investigation focuses on Central Pubmed database. Index of productivity, a very important indicator for Bibliometry, is the base for calculating other very important indicators for relative analysis, in order to calculate the impact of an individual researcher or an institute in the scientific community. Productivity index counts the number of articles published in scientific journals during a specific time frame.

The research shows the increasing production of articles on various combinations of the above terms. We measured in which combinations of these terms there is a greater increase in research papers production and furthermore we investigated the weekly and monthly variations of this production. Terms such as nutrition software, food service and system management seem to have the highest production, while the lowest production appears in terms such as nutrition ontologies and nutrition informatics. The weekly and monthly variation on research papers production is increasing in terms such as food databases, food service and system management (with a fairly large slope) and decreasing in terms such as nutrition ontologies and food composition databases. For other terms such as nutrition informatics and food supply surveillance the weekly and monthly variation shows stability with the slope being almost 0 and the trend line almost horizontal.

This process is very useful because it demonstrates the impact of Nutrition Informatics on the scientific community research interests and also shows which areas are developing faster. As a future work we want to improve our method and extend the measurements in a bigger time-frame and in various scientific databases.
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