Self-reported life style factors and their relation with BMI in Turkish college students
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Department of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, Faculty of Food Science and Nutrition, Poznan University of Life Sciences, Poznań, Poland
Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, School of Health Sciences, Nutrition and Dietetic, Istanbul Medipol University, Istanbul, Turkey
Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Faculty of Health Sciences, Suleyman Demirel University, Isparta, Turkey
Publication date: 2022-05-27
Public Health Toxicol 2022;2(Supplement Supplement 1):A139
Young adulthood has a transformation period that is known to be associated with weight gain such as becoming college students. Environmental factors may influence the lifestyle of young adults in the direction of fast eating, irregular meals intake and sedentary behavior (SB). Dietary behaviours play a critical role in obesity risk and prevention, and there is a growing interest in eating speed (ES). Therefore, the study aimed to investigate the relationship between selected lifestyle factors (ES, irregular meals intake and SB) and BMI in Turkish college students.

A cross-sectional online survey included 418 (345women, 73men), was conducted on Turkish college students 21,6±2,6(18-35) aged years with BMI 22,19±4,17 kg/m2. BMI was calculated by self-reported weight and height. Eating speed was determined by asking subjective comparison of participants to people in their surroundings. The Sedentary Behavior Questionnaire (SBQ) was used to determine SB and regularity of meal-pattern collected using self-reported questionnaire.

The results revealed that in total, 23,5% of the subjects declared they eat faster comparing themselves to people in their surroundings. However, there was no significant relationship observed between ES and BMI. Only 20% of the participants reported having regular meal-pattern, while 51% reported consuming regular meals sometimes. The SBQ indicated that the total length of SB was 50,6 ± 39,8 hours/week. A significant correlation between SB with BMI was observed.

Young adulthood transformation has affected students' daily lives, including meal patterns and sedentary behavior. Findings suggest that young adults may need dietary support during the transition time and encourage physically active life style.
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