Study of the influence of the surface of biopolymer chitosan fibrous and film materials on the morphofunctional state of cells
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A.N. Kosygin Russian State University, Moscow, Russia
M. F. Vladimirsky Moscow Regional Clinical and Research Institute (MONIKI), Moscow, Russia
Publication date: 2021-09-27
Public Health Toxicol 2021;1(Supplement Supplement 1):A16
Optical research methods have been widely used in pharmacology, medicine, and biotechnology to characterize new materials and objects In recent years. Modulation super-resolution interferometry is the most widespread and effectively used tool for studying surface properties in tissue engineering for the restoration of damaged tissues of a living organism1. The growth and controlled development of mesenchymal stem cells are carried out using matrices and scaffolds that promote cell proliferation.
This work aims to study the structure and proliferative properties of biodegradable polymer matrices and fibrous materials with anti-inflammatory activity created based on chitosan cross-linked by jenipin in combination with polypeptides secreted by mesenchymal stem cells2. The optimal conditions and methods for obtaining biopolymer matrices based on films of chitosan aminopolysaccharide crosslinked in the process of their production and fibrous materials have been determined3. In this work, we performed a non-invasive assessment of the results obtained (surface topography, microrelief character, heterogeneity of the polymer structure) and biological properties (biocompatibility, adhesiveness, immunogenicity, thrombogenicity, etc.) by interference microscopy using QPI technology. The effect of the obtained biopolymer composites on the viability, morphology, and functional state of cellular material (platelets, neutrophils, lymphocytes, MSCs) was studied. The morphodensitometric parameters of intact living cells were evaluated before and after contact with biopolymer composites.
This work was supported by Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project no. 18-29-17059).
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