The knowledge of people with type 2 diabetes about their disease and the nutritional recommendations required
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Hellenic Open University, Patras, Greece
Faculty of Medicine, University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece
Publication date: 2022-05-27
Public Health Toxicol 2022;2(Supplement Supplement 1):A142
In Greece, the prevalence of diabetes is 7.4% in the adult population (20-79 years)1. The need for prevention as well as education of the already sick is of major importance.

Determining the level of knowledge of people with type 2 diabetes about diabetes and correlating it with their sources of information.

Material and Methods:
The research was conducted from January to March 2021, through social networks. Sample consisted of 306 diabetes type 2 people (self-reported). The general part of the Diabetes Knowledge Test 2 (DKT2) was used to determine the level of diabetes knowledge and the statistical analysis was done using SPSS25.

Sample had moderate general knowledge about their disease (mean score 10.1/14). Also, appeared better informed about medical interest and less about nutritional interest (3.9% of the sample answered 7/7 nutritional questions of DKT2 correctly while 33.3% answered correctly to 7/7 medical questions). 17.3% answered that they had no dietary recommendations from any health specialist, and this was associated with a lower score on DTK2 (p = 0.001). The source of nutritional information (physician or dietitian) on diabetes management was not found to affect the DKT2 score (p = 0.479). Finally, appeared that those who chose a dietitian for their nutritional training had a higher body mass index than those who chose a physician (p = 0.03).

A significant percentage of diabetics had no dietary recommendations at all and those who received nutritional information from any source appeared to have more medical than nutritional knowledge. Nutritional information and education of diabetes patients is of major importance as nutrition is an important part of the management of type 2 diabetes.
IDF DIABETES ATLAS. 9th ed. International Diabetes Federation; 2019. Accessed May 1, 2022.
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