The role of lipocalins in allergic sensitization and their novel role in symptom relief: Two faces of one protein family
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Institute of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research, Centre of Pathophysiology, Infectiology and Immunology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Interuniversity Messerli Research Institute, Vienna, Austria
Publication date: 2022-05-27
Public Health Toxicol 2022;2(Supplement Supplement 1):A78
Lipocalins form a protein family with great functional similarities. Specifically, they absorb hydrophobic ligands, often complexed with iron, into their molecular pocket, and thereby act bacteriostatic. Accordingly, human lipocalin-2 (LCN2) is an acute phase protein involved in immune defense. Allergics harbor significantly lower LCN2 levels1, in parallel they suffer from intracellular micronutritional deficiencies, especially of iron2.

To study:
  1. whether the loading of lipocalins may determine why some animal lipocalins act as allergens, and
  2. whether loaded ligands may turn lipocalins tolerogenic.

The lipocalin beta-lactoglobulin (BLG), best known from cow´s milk, acted as allergen only in its empty form3,4. However, BLG complexed with ligands occurred in cow stable dust and contributed to the allergy protective effect of farms5. We developed a lozenge using BLG as a Trojan horse to carry micronutrients to immune cells of allergics. In clinical double-blind placebo-controlled6 and provocation trials in pollen and house dust mite allergics we demonstrated that with the BLG lozenge micronutritional deficiencies can be corrected. This is associated with a significant symptom relief.

We propose that spiking of lipocalins with nutrients, as shown for BLG, is a novel approach exploiting targeted micronutrition to halt the allergy epidemic.
E. Jensen-Jarolim is the inventor on “LCN2 as a tool for allergy diagnostic and therapy” (EP 14150965.3, Year: 01/2014; US 14/204,570) and shareholder of Biomedical Int. R+D GmbH, Vienna, Austria.
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